The Barbados Renewable Energy Association Elects its 2019-2020 Board of Directors

The Barbados Renewable Energy Association hosted on Wednesday January 23rd, 2019 its 7th Annual General Meeting (AGM) under the theme “From Policy to Implementation: The Path Towards 100% Renewable Energy Barbados!” The event took place at the 3W’s Oval Pavilion, UWI Cave Hill Campus to a packed crowd of sector professionals, renewable energy enthusiast and other key interest groups.

Following the delivery of the key note address by Professor Olav Hohmeyer the Association held its Annual General Meeting. At the end, Mr. Jerry Franklin was successful in his bid to retain his post as President of the Association for the ensuing year. Mr. Aidan Rogers was elected once again to serve as Vice-President and Mr. Peter Gollop as Treasurer. The other members of the Board of Directors include; Mr. Stephen Worme, Mr. Jim Reid, Mrs. Kim Griffith-Tang How and Mrs. Lisa-Ann Fraser. The Executive also extended a welcome to Mr. Joshua Hunte, newly elected Director to the BREA Board for the 2019-2020 period.

Mr. Franklin in his address to the Association noted that 2018 was a transitionary year for the energy sector and the country at large but stressed, “2019 must be a year of action if we are to achieve the policy target of 100% renewable energy for Barbados by 2030,” a target set by the new Government.

The President further stated, that as we embark upon 2019 “the Association remains cautiously optimistic recognizing that several critical policy and regulatory decisions will have to be made very early in 2019 if we are to get the sector on the right path.” Noting that “the lengthy delays in the approval of the application processes, the duplication in the submission of documentation across agencies in-addition to the need to put in place an effective pricing system were among some of the all-important issues that will need to be addressed as a matter of urgency in 2019 if Government’s target is to be met.”

His address came just before the key note presentation delivered by Professor Olav Hohmeyer on the subject: The Path Towards 100% Renewable Energy Barbados: Moving from Policy to Implementation. Yesterday’s Members Forum and Annual General Meeting marked the start of activities for the Association for the 2019-2020 period.

Related Post- The Path towards 100% Renewable Energy Barbados!
The Barbados Renewable Energy Association hosted its first Membership Forum for 2019, under the theme, “From Policy to Implementation: The Path Towards 100% Renewable Energy Barbados!” More..
BREA Address :
building 2, Suite 1A,
Manor Lodge Complex,
Lodge Hill, St. Michael

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Tel : + 1246-429 5357