Hallam Hope BREA Biography

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Mr. Hallam Hope

is a founding member of the Barbados Renewable Energy Association having been instrumental in its establishment as an official Non-Governmental Organization in May 2011. Mr. Clyde Griffith was the former Executive Director of the Association having served in this post from 2011-2016, the growth of the association as an embryotic association to one of the region’s leading organizations on Renewable Energy was a result of the leadership provided by Mr. Clyde Griffith. Mr. Griffith now serves as a Technical Adviser to the organization.
Mr. Griffith is a former career diplomat and Minister for Energy as well as a Senator for the Government of Barbados. He has also held Senior Lecturing Positions at the University of Columbia and the University of West Indies, Cave Hill Campus where until recently he was a lecturer in the Law, Governance and Politics Undergraduate Programme.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]