Jerry Franklin BREA Biography


Mr. Jerry Franklin

currently serves as President on the Board of
Directors for the Barbados Renewable Energy Association having
served as Vice-President of the Association previously.

Mr. Franklin plays a very active role in the association and has coauthor
the Solar PV Consumer Guide Handbook and Brochure and is
the author of The Energy Efficiency Guide and Brochure. These two
publications are among the first research documents to be officially
published by the Association and as help to raise the profile of the
organization as leader in renewable energy and energy efficiency
space across the region.

Mr. Franklin also serves on the Association’s technical and the regulatory committee having facilitated a number of renewable
energy workshops and seminars to a wide cross section of stakeholders across the agricultural, manufacturing and financial
sectors. He is also a regular columnist for the Barbados Business Authority on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency.

Jerry’s has a rich back ground with over 21 years’ experience as a professional Engineer and Telecoms Executive with a focus on
operational management, operational efficiency, network optimization, network management and operational strategy
development. Jerry is an Engineer whose academic qualifications include a BSc in Electrical Engineering and a BSc in Computer
Engineering. He is also a co-founder and director of Northpoint Consulting Inc., an engineering consultancy firm that provides ICT
service across the region.

BREA Address :
building 2, Suite 1A,
Manor Lodge Complex,
Lodge Hill, St. Michael

E-Mail :
Tel : + 1246-429 5357