Membership Benefits
Membership with the Barbados Renewable Energy Association is a brilliant venture to have your business involved in.
Benefits to our members enjoy are as follows;
- Members can rely on a strong and respective advocacy voice through the Barbados Renewable Energy Association.
- A strong and collective lobbying support network on all issues impacting the renewable and energy efficiency sector in Barbados and across the region.
- Access to important stakeholder meetings and workshops which involve high-level Government, donor support officials.
- Easy access to information on the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors in Barbados.
- Opportunities to represent the Association on select committee and stakeholder meetings.
- Access to Training and Capacity Building opportunities offered through the Association or in partnership with our stakeholder partners.
- The opportunity to market and promote your businesses across the Association’s membership.
- Members stand to benefit from having their businesses be referred by the Association and within the Association’s membership.
- Discounted rates at the Association’s upcoming events and much more.

BREA Address :
building 2, Suite 1A,
Manor Lodge Complex,
Lodge Hill, St. Michael
building 2, Suite 1A,
Manor Lodge Complex,
Lodge Hill, St. Michael
E-Mail :
Tel : + 1246-429 5357